Database Conversion

Looking to switch from another software?
We’ll make it easy and painless!

Easy Conversion to Practice-Web

We’ve helped hundreds of offices convert data from their existing practice management software to Practice-Web. We work closely with your office from beginning to end to make the process smooth, easy and painless. With experience converting data from all major systems and a free test conversion, your data conversion is risk-free.

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Convert from Your Practice Management Software

If you currently have a practice management software, we’ll help you make the leap! Since 1988, we’ve performed hundreds of successful database conversions. We’ll work with your office from start to finish to make sure you understand exactly what data will be converted and how. We’ve converted from all of the major systems, including Dentrix, EagleSoft, Easy Dental, CS SoftDent, PracticeWorks, MOGO and more. Also, even if your system is less common, we’ll try our best to get your data converted. For example, in the last few years we’ve converted several databases from cloud-based systems like Dentrix Ascend and Curve Dental.

Free Test Conversion Before Proceeding

Our conversion process is risk-free! We’ll provide a free “test conversion” to show you how your data will look and work in Practice-Web. We’ll give you the test conversion database along with a Pre-Conversion Checklist so you can thoroughly evaluate your converted data, including patient information, account balances, procedures and more. After you’re confident that the data is converting properly and sign off on the Checklist, we’ll proceed with the final database conversion.

Your Critical Patient Information Converted

We are generally able to convert enough of your data to get you up and running. For example, in most cases we can convert basic patient information, guarantors, insurance plans (default benefit percentages), carriers, fee schedules, patient treatments history, patient payments and adjustments, and insurance payments.